I created this blog two years ago with a twofold purpose;
One reason was to provide free information to people. I am continually learning new methods and techniques that help me reach my overall fitness goals, but when I first started trying to find this information it was a tough find, it took me years of research and a college class on weight training to find the necessary information that helped me gain weight.
The second reason was to keep myself motivated. I plan on updating this blog more often and holding myself accountable. I’ve used forums mostly as an online tool to keep me motivated and it has worked great. Forums though are a very limited audience and while it held me accountable it didn’t do much to help others reach their goals.
With that I plan to update my blog more often and hopefully make my methods and my successes and failures more available so those looking to reach their goals in fitness have an easy to understand free resource.
Since my Last Post and FUTURE
I’ve still been hovering around the 173-174lbs mark. I’m still looking to reach my goal of around 185lbs. Unfortunately 2011 wasn’t the most kind year to my body as I’ve already blogged about me dislocating my toe and severely spraining my ankle. I had another serious injury in the summer of 2011. As my ankle began feeling better I suited up to play baseball. No later than the second pitch I saw all season I was hit by a pitch in my hand and broke the second metacarpal on my left hand. The first three metacarpals are fairly serious breaks because they usually need a plate to heal correctly and being the biggest bones in the hand takes the longest to heal. So that ended my baseball season. I continued to do what I could to stay fit including core and upper body exercises that didn’t need grip.
My workouts though faltered and when I was back able to get them going my car decided to stop working, so for almost a month I was without a car. I did what I could before I bought my new car. (Which I love BTW 2012 Hyundai Veloster) So it took me all the way until late November to start getting back in the gym regularly. With all that time off and injuries my muscles had atrophied quite a bit. Late January is when I reached my pre injury strength with upper body. I’m still working on my legs as the ankle still isn’t 100% (probably 85-95% depending on day).
My goal is to try to gain some weight, who would have guessed? I still want to get to 185lbs. As of today there is about 15 weeks until Memorial Day, the unofficial start of summer. If I gain 1-3lbs a week for the next 12 weeks would put me right at my goal. The next three weeks I would switch my nutrition somewhat and try to drop about 5 lbs to be at 180lbs. The goal would be to drop my body fat percentage from around 10% to 7%. Now this will be my biggest challenge in fitness yet as my lean body mass is 155.7lbs. To get to 180lbs with 7% body fat my lean body mass would be around 167.4lbs. That is a lot of muscle. My next post will be all about expectations and why I believe I can achieve that goal.
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